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TeachingBooks is designed to serve the PreK-12 school community and their families, as well as pre-service educators in colleges and universities. TeachingBooks strives to equitably give all readers insights and opportunities that deepen their understanding and joy of the books they are reading.

The Serials Directory (EBSCO)


This database provides access to the most up-to-date and accurate bibliographic information, as well as current pricing structures for popular serials.  

Today's Science (Infobase)


Today’s Science contains more than 6,000 original articles, written in easy-to-understand language, highlighting the most important advances in fields such as anthropology (including archaeology), astronomy and space, biology, chemistry, Earth science, environmental science, mathematics, medicine and health, physics, psychology, science and society, and technology. Each article includes stunning videos, images, and diagrams that give students a front-row seat in a virtual scientific amphitheater.

World News Digest (Infobase)


World News Digest promotes understanding of a topic by combining the latest news with key context and background. It has been the source for authoritative news summaries and background articles since 1940.

WorldCat (OCLC)


WorldCat connects you to the collections and services of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide.  This is especially helpful for Interlibrary Loan requests for students and cataloging materials for librarians.

Writer's Reference Center (Infobase)


Writer’s Reference Center presents a conceptual and practical guide to the writing process, covering preparation; writing your document; revising; and writing about theme, character, form and genre, and other topics. It also provides a step-by-step breakdown on how to write a good essay.