In Texas, Senate Bill 810 (SB 810), which was signed into law in June 2017, defines OER as follows:
“‘Open educational resource’ means a teaching, learning, or research resource that is in the public domain or has been released under an intellectual property license that permits the free use, adaptation, and redistribution of the resource by any person. The term may include full course curricula, course materials, modules, textbooks, media, assessments, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques, whether digital or otherwise, used to support access to knowledge.”
TEXAS LEARN OER -- All your questions answered and the how-to's explained right here!
Start your OER education here! Texas Learn OER is a set of ten peer-reviewed, openly licensed, self-paced modules for faculty, staff, and administrators in higher education. The self-paced training is available for anyone to complete for professional development credit/CEUs. A bit more information is available about that in the final Module.Texas Learn OER includes information on understanding OER; open licensing, including Creative Commons; finding and evaluating OER; accessibility; adapting, creating, and sharing OER; and OER policy and practice in Texas.

Click on the image to open Texas Learn OER in a new window and start your OER education.
Except where otherwise noted, Texas Learn OER by Carrie Gits for DigiTex is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2020

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Learn How To Create/Use OERs
Here are the How-Tos for creating and using freely available, open-licensed materials to make your course OER.

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